Contact: Robin Freese, 719-532-8440
California Casualty Website Builds Momentum for 100thAnniversary
San Mateo, California, June 21, 2013… Halfway into its 100th year of business, California Casualty has launched a website commemorating the company’s rich history, customer-focused culture and four generations of Brown family leadership:
Reaching the century mark is a noteworthy achievement, especially considering that only 13 percent of family-owned businesses are viable by the third generation. For California Casualty, the 100th anniversary signifies the company’s financial strength, enduring relationships, and high customer satisfaction – characteristics quickly established by its founder and carried forth by subsequent generations.
A career insurance man, Carl G. Brown established California Casualty on January 1, 1914 with a novel form of workers’ compensation insurance. Mr. Brown’s entrepreneurial spirit, competitive drive and financial foresight advanced the company profitably through two World Wars and the Great Depression. His son, Carl G. Brown, Jr., took California Casualty into a new era. In 1951, California Casualty pioneered the concept of affinity group insurance with the endorsement of the California Teachers Association. This new partnership set the stage for the company’s future focus and specialization. Carl Brown, Jr. cemented the corporate culture of integrity when he penned the California Casualty Code – an ahead-of-the-times business code of ethics still followed today. During the tenure of Tom Brown, California Casualty distinguished itself when, following the disastrous 1991 Oakland Hills Fire, policy limits were waived to make certain customers’ homes were fully rebuilt to similar or better standards. Today, under CEO and Chairman Beau Brown’s decisive leadership, California Casualty continues to thrive with auto and home insurance programs tailored exclusively for educators, firefighters, peace officers and nurses in 44 states.
“There are key ingredients to our success,” Beau Brown said. “Our corporate culture helps to attract and retain customer-focused employees. Because our insurance companies are policyholder-owned, we can make decisions that are best for the long term rather than the short term. Our group relationships, cemented over a long period of time, allow us to effectively compete against larger insurance companies.”
The 100th Anniversary website, features a detailed historical timeline, extended commentary from customers and partners, and a look at each generation of leadership. The video, “A Century of Service” includes historical footage, with Beau Brown and other company executives reflecting on California Casualty’s origins and century of growth. The website will continue to evolve throughout the year.
For more information, contact Robin Freese at 719-532-8440 or